Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Comic-ocity Levels Increasing

A recent assignment for Art this week, which was to draw 4 pages of graphic novel based upon the first chapter of a book, is making me think that I could possibly go through with this webcomic thing. I'm certainly coming up with a lot of ideas lately, so, have-a some stuffs.

Here we have my design for the grand castle that the Prince (bah, can't come up with a name for him!) lives in. Its gi-huge-ic (we're talking fit-a-mountain-in-it huge!). Certainly leaves plenty of room for limitless guests from the bajillions of lil' kingdoms in the Prince's realm.
Here we have Usi, the Court Mage, who is based upon a good friend of mine.
He's the "stuffy, unhappy, realist" type, according to him. Provides the "anything can happen" magic for the "anything can happen" atmosphere of the comic's world. His little raven is named Eop and pretty much just sits there.
Here we have Marky the Massive, the leader of the "Kingdom of Endless Pumping", and based off of another good friend of mine. He's huge n' buff in real life, but a real sweetheart too, so I decided to go a step further with his character and make him titanic and the nicest guy in existence. The kingdom he rules is full of people who never - EVER - stop pumping iron, not even while sleeping!

These two pics are the 2 of the comic pages I had to do for my homework this week. They are based off part of the first chapter of a fantasy novel called "The Lightning Thief" that I had never heard of until I did this. In this case, the segment I read involved the main character and his teacher talk about the story of Kronos.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Webcomic, perhaaaaaps?

Yup, I got bored today and, rather then getting ahead on the two essays I have due Monday, I did some doodling. The first color pic is some stuff for my webcomic I might do. The two artists will probably be side characters, and the 3rd pic is probably just a one-shot character. I'm stilling trying to come up with a name for the actual comic though...

Here we have Jessie the Unfunny Jester, who rarely performs anything to do with his profession, and instead just acts lazy and grouchy. We also have a generic castle, maybe as the main one, maybe as one for the smaller kingdoms, I still don't know. And then we have The Prince (still needs a name!) who will serve as the comic's main character for the series - a generally nice guy who is often forced to be around the abundant weirdos throughout his kingdom whether he wants to or not.

Yup, I like these guys a bunch and decided they should have roles in my comic. I'm thinking they come from a kingdom in the land that is full of artists and creative minds, and they are good friends with the Prince character. The artist one is a happy guy, while his ice-sculptor friend is far gloomier.

Many of the smaller kingdoms may only appear once, or once in a while. This was an idea for one of the minor kings from a land of food-loving fatty fat fats who do nothing but eat all day. Most likely coming to the Prince to whine about the lack of Snacker-doodles or some such nonsense.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Redos and New-dudes Up-a the Wazzoo

Had a bit of a creative splurge tonight after I started redoing some of my older doodles n' characters. I tried to stylize them a bit more, make them a bit less stiff and more curve-ity.
Anyoo, have another 6-pack of 6 pics.

Yup, the Artist and the Ice Sculptor return!
Looking at this compared to the originals, I think I have improved with my tablet at least a little bit.

Meet the Floppy Hat Boy. Just your average Joe, he'll gladly say hello when he passes by.

Whats that you say? These aren't redos? Hehe... WRONG!
They be redos of doodles I've never put on here.
Here we have Jessie the unfunny Jester, and some guy with a tall hat.

'Tis the cliche villain, making a return for postage past!
Protect your stuff from his sinister, no-currently-visible clutches!

Here's another you-haven't-seen-the-original-crap redo - the Bandanna Bandit.
He's got stretchy limbs and tries to distract people from his own face with the one on his head because, for a bandit, he's actually a rather shy lil' fellow.

Oh my... who is this simple guy? A bit of scrap art? Some thrown together garbage?
Nu... thou art wrong. The reason I've been doing so many redos is that I've kiiiinda soooorta been thinking about making an attempt at a webcomic if I have the time. As of now, the only stuff I pretty much know is that it'll be about a big Kingdom full of mini kingdoms (each about the size of a small village), each of which has its own wonky theme or specialty, such as "The Kingdom of People Who TALK REALLY LOUD" and so forth. This Prince guy will most likely be the main character, and the ruler of the Kingdom-ruling-the-kingdoms. Whether or not I go through with any o' this will depend on my free time, my usually no-existent dedication, and my equally-usually-non-existent patience, so we'll see!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Belated, Beautiful, Beyond Beliveable Begarbage

BAH. I have been lazy with this thing - over a month with no posts!
To make up for that, to some degree, by posting twice as much schtuff in this post :B
Most of it is a bunch of character-ma-doodles. OBSERVE THE BRAIN FARTS.

Here we have some kind of Storm King.
He controls the storms!~
This is a redesign of "Constantine," a character I designed for a comic my big bro might make in the future. This version is simpler then the original, and less serious.

Yup, another king! This one ish the king of all mice... though, unlike the one in the Nutcracker, this one is really nice and will give you CHEEEEEESE!

Meet the good Lady Gretel von Thunderthighs, a big fat lady.
She's... really fat... and dresses bad.

1... 2... 3... it must be the Numeric Trio! Masters of all things that are multiples of one, two, and three!... and nothing else... its limited, but its something, right?
And now, for a more impressive trio - the Swirlies! There is a nice one, a silly one, and a tough one! Their personalities may not be that original, but I like how they look. They give off a sort of Samrio vibe, at least how I look at 'em.