Yup, I got bored today and, rather then getting ahead on the two essays I have due Monday, I did some doodling. The first color pic is some stuff for my
webcomic I might do. The two artists will probably be side characters, and the 3rd pic is probably just a one-shot character. I'm stilling trying to come up with a name for the actual comic though...

Here we have Jessie the Unfunny Jester, who rarely performs anything to do with his profession, and instead just acts lazy and grouchy. We also have a generic castle, maybe as the main one, maybe as one for the smaller kingdoms, I still don't know. And then we have The Prince (still needs a name!) who will serve as the
comic's main character for the series - a generally nice guy who is often forced to be around the abundant weirdos throughout his kingdom whether he wants to or not.
Yup, I like these guys a bunch and decided they should have roles in my comic. I'm thinking they come from a kingdom in the land that is full of artists and creative minds, and they are good friends with the Prince character. The artist one is a happy guy, while his ice-sculptor friend is far gloomier.
Many of the smaller kingdoms may only appear once, or once in a while. This was an idea for one of the minor kings from a land of food-loving fatty fat fats who do nothing but eat all day. Most likely coming to the Prince to whine about the lack of Snacker-doodles or some such nonsense.
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