Thought I'd share with you guys some of the designs for the villains of "Its a Marvellose Life!"
As of now, there is one main villain with 4 lackeys, though this may change as I go along depending on how I do the story.
As of now, there is one main villain with 4 lackeys, though this may change as I go along depending on how I do the story.

This guy can fold up into a ball and rocket around at super speed like a crazy little spaceship. I'm thinking he's the 'overly confident' bad guy of the bunch, and praises the leader no matter what.

Ah, here we go, the main baddy! Still no name, like most of these guys. As of now, his main goal, like any good villain, will be to take over the world, but to start it may just be a simple rivalry between him and Prince - his micro kingdom, a dark and unpleasant place, doesn't satisfy him; he's jealous that Prince was given rule over the whole of Marvellose in an instant thanks to the King, and he wants more. I'm not sure if I want to make him a serious or comic villain... maybe a mix of the two, depending on the situation.
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