A huge, muscle-bound, bandit/barbarian sort of guy with mushroom armor. He's got mushrooms... and muscles... so he must be named "Mushcles." I practiced some muscle grouping and shading with him and, overall, am pleased with how it came out.

Done just before the last pic (and thus the ongoing fungus theme), this freaky owl is crossed with a toadstool and a dash of derpy dumbness - 'tis a Toadstowl!

Part of a small series (I may make more) of cutesy Halloween pics. Just classic Halloween monsters talking like five-year-olds and acting adorable.

More Halloween-ness. Its simpwy wuvwy

A simple pair of pet-type minions I imagine some non-threatening bad guy would have. I've doodled the puppy one more in my school notebook and gave him a more Pierrot (a type of French clown) sort of look, making a "Puppierrot."
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