Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bloggo Ka-whats-it

Just a bunch of random stuff I've drawn/doodled as of late.
The one in color is the infamous witch Gruntilda Winkybunion, from the Banjo Kazooie series, which I am just recently enjoying (never had it in the N64 days) on an emulator.
The other crazy random doo-dads include: Mr. Schnozz, Mr. Magic-Dude, The Ladies Man, and Round Guy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

First... All-Nighter... So Sleepy... ZZZZ

Well, its 6AM and I went to bed... 2AM yesterday... so, yeah, I didn't sleep at all tonight. And it sucked. My darn Philosophy homeowork (6 single spaced pages of summaries and quotes and ugh...) kept me up... and, oh joy of joys, we have a freakin' "emergency situation drill" thing at school today, so for an hour theres going to be simulated gunfire and police on campus and crap to prepare us for if theres ever a real shooting... yeah, just what I need when I feel like my brain is going to cave in on itself.

Blah... have an Igor, a Goomba, some kinda thingy, and a lil' knight.