Friday, May 29, 2009

HOLY CWAP! More doodles?!

Yup, finally posting some of my random, crazy junk for the first time in a while here.
(As if there are many that give two bits about this place! XD)
Today we have:
1. Frezzerburn, a character I came up with for a little contest a friend of mine, Sinkato over at DA, is having to design an 'archvillain'
2. Exor the sword from Supar Mario RPG having a nonsense conversation with his hilt about gossip.
3/4. A silly looking set of chibis for the Chibi News. Reporter-Man and Weatha-Man.
5. I don't think I've drawn the manditory psychotic clown yet, have I? Well, now I have.
6. Some kind of adorable lil' alien whose head floats about!

Time Shifters K-L: Flint the Time Detective

Only three of the lil' guys this time. Why? Because the next letter, M, has 5 Shifters and thus gets its own pic!
-Knuckles: A dragon Shifter who is an expert in every form of martial arts there is, and able to train most anybody to perform them.

-Leafy: - A flower Shifter with the ability to manipulate plant life, causing it to grow or be altered at a rapid rate.

-Lynx: A sphinx/cat Shifter who can confuse and trick people through the power of riddles. It doesn't speak though, the little snake on its hat does!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Shifters E-J: Flint the Time Detective

Yup! Another 5 Time Shifters down in my Flint the Time Detective series.
Today, in letters E through J, we have:
-Eldora: A serpent Shifter who can turn anything into gold, as well as blast out a golden knock-out beam.
-Elekin: A robot Shifter who can provide limitless electricity
-Elfin: An ever-jolly Shifter who can turn anything into a toy
-Get-Along: The first Shifter in the series & the only one that sticks with the heroes in every episode. It can make people temporarily (as its name implies) get along like best friends.
-Jitterbug: A clay doll (I think) Shifter who can manipulate the bodies of others to make them dance.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Shifters C2-D: Flint the Time Detective

Another four Time Shifters down! Here we have the remainder of letter C and both

-Change: A purse-like Shifter that can create gold and persuade people through the power of money.
-Coconaut: A weather-based Shifter with power over wind, water, and rain
-Dipper: An elephant Shifter with the ability to find water most anywhere
-Doron: A ghost Shifter who can scare people with magic illusions

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Shifters C1 (Cardians): Flint the Time Detective

Well! With schoolwork finally winding down, I've finally had time for some drawing!
Continuing with my Flint the Time Detective Series, we move on to the letter C. But since these next four were a grouping as it was, I figured they should get their own pic.

Its the Cardians! Sort of like a 3-Musketeer's themed set of chibi Power Rangers/ Super Sentai. I remember them well since their powered-up version (both the evil '-con' form and good '-master' form) fused all of 'em together.

Here we have~
-Blademan: Red Shifter! Team leader! Expert swordsman!
-Arrowman: Blue Shifter! Tall! Master with arrows!
-Thud: Yellow Shifter! Fat! Mighty with Strength!
-Snap: Pink Shifter! Female! Expert photographer!